S. N. Goenka: For the Benefit of Many (2003) 5 stars

Review of 'For the Benefit of Many' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book won't make any sense to a non-meditator but I'm giving it five stars for the intended audience.

A lot of questions I've had are clarified here. Why certain rules are applied, how is the organization structured, and how will it adapt and grow now that S.N. Goenka is dead. I was pleasantly surprised with Goenka's answers to questions regarding the inevitable collapse of the Academy into a cult (or perhaps multiple cults/sects). His analysis and planning around the structure of the centres, the global organization, and the individual meditators/volunteers is staggeringly lucid.

If you have ever wondered who is appointed a vipassana teacher, how land is chosen for a centre, and how the Academy avoids being bought out by religions, corporations, and governments (which all have far more money), this is a really informative read.